In a heartwarming turn of events, an Atlanta mother and daughter duo, Monica McKelvy and her daughter Rey Sunshine, have emerged victorious from a challenging situation that had left them devastated. The pair were awarded a remarkable settlement of over $121,000 following their wrongful eviction from a property intended for their new business venture.
Monica and Rey were filled with hopes and dreams when they purchased a building aimed to be a vibrant multi-use space for the community. Their plan was to transform the space into a hair salon, dance studio, music artist development hub, and photography studio. They were on the brink of achieving their dreams and preparing for their grand opening when suddenly, everything took a heartbreaking turn.
In late March 2023, just weeks shy of their opening day, the unthinkable happened. Law enforcement officers showed up at the property and forcibly removed all of their belongings, leaving them stacked unceremoniously on the side of the road. “It really destroyed us completely to have all of your belongings put out,” Monica reflected on the distressing event. It’s hard to imagine the emotional toll that moment took on them.
The eviction from their business space not only impacted their lives emotionally but also hit them hard financially. The mother and daughter team had signed a lease agreement and forked over a deposit of $6,000. On top of that, they had invested over $30,000 in renovations to get the space ready for their future customers. But then, without any prior notice, they found themselves accused of being “intruders” and “squatters” by Urban Suburban, the property management company overseeing the building.
The eviction petition stated that their business entity, US Intl LLC, had never given permission for anyone to lease the property, which was perplexing given the lease agreement they had signed and other documentation that proved their rightful occupancy. This unexpected turn of events was, understandably, hurtful. Rey expressed her hurt over the allegations, saying, “It’s just painful to be labeled that way.”
Fast forward to last month, and it looks like the tides have turned for the resilient pair. After a lengthy legal battle and advocacy for their rights, Monica and Rey were awarded a financial settlement of $121,456.67. This amount encompassed damages for various distressing aspects brought on by the eviction.
The financial support provides not just a welcome relief from their legal troubles but also serves as a beacon of hope for the future. While the experience of the wrongful eviction may have left scars, it has not extinguished their drive to build their business. Monica said, “This settlement will help us recover and inch closer to opening the doors of our dream space.”
Monica and Rey plan to take this experience and turn it into a stepping stone rather than a setback. They have each other, their dreams, and the determination to overcome any obstacle that comes their way. They invite the community to follow their journey and to stay tuned for their eventual opening, which they hope will resonate well with all who walk through their doors.
In a world where challenges can derail dreams, the McKelvy and Sunshine family’s story serves as a reminder that resilience and courage can and do pay off in the end!
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