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A New Era for Digital Accessibility: The Rise of Location-Based Website Restrictions

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A New Era for Digital Accessibility: The Rise of Location-Based Website Restrictions

Countless individuals around the globe, who have sought to access certain U.S.-based digital platforms, are greeted with the phrase, “We’re Sorry! This website is unavailable in your location.” One such city experiencing this digital barrier is Atlanta, Georgia, a region bustling with both local and international internet users.

The issue at hand is not a fleeting one. Location-based website restrictions—known in the tech lingo as geo-blocking—are increasingly becoming a prevalent issue around the world. These restrictions raise questions about accessing information, digital inclusivity, and the very nature of the World Wide Web as a supposedly universal platform.

Geo-blocking: What exactly is it?

Geo-blocking is the system of limiting access to internet content based upon the user’s geographical location. This practice is being employed by various internet service providers, website owners, and content creators for a variety of reasons ranging from regulatory compliance, business strategies, to cyber security considerations.

Unexpected Restrictions and Inequality in Digital Access

Many of these reasons are legitimate and understandable. However, these explanations don’t nullify the implications for users who are left on the fringes, isolated from a wealth of digital content they would otherwise have access to For instance, “Back to School”, “Local 2 Investigates”, and “Georgia Trending”, are some topics of interest to individuals globally, regardless of the fact whether they are in the U.S., or not.

This kind of restriction inadvertently promotes inequality in digital access, creating a global digital divide. Following are some consequences:

  • Blocked access to critical information depending on the geographical location
  • Inhibited access to various services and commodities
  • Limited interaction and networking capabilities

The Bitter Consequences & Possible Solutions

These restrictions also impact the ability of these platforms to reach audiences and markets they would otherwise gain from geographic expansion. A great example of this is the End of Unlimited Access to certain platforms that provide relevant, up-to-date news to international followers closely monitoring American politics, society, entertainment, etc.

A solution could be the implementation of a digital inclusivity policy, allowing users from restricted locations to have limited access to content. This could be a step towards leveling the digital playing field, enabling users from all around the globe to have equal access to information on the World Wide Web. A win-win scenario for both users and content providers.

However, it’s not all grim. There’s a silver lining in the form of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and other similar technologies. These networks can bypass geo-blocking, but also raise another set of concerns about privacy, security and the legality of using such methods to circumvent location-based restrictions.

Stepping into the Future

Digital communication and the Internet are tools meant to foster global connections and information exchange. The steady rise of geo-blocking however, is a challenge that the world needs to address holistically. It is essential to balance the legitimate reasons for geo-blocking with the benefit of equal and universal access to information, a prerogative intricately linked to digital inclusivity and democratization of digital access.

HERE Atlanta
Author: HERE Atlanta

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